
Years ago a friend of mine, who is not a dentist, was visiting his brother in another city over a weekend, so they had some free time to kill. His brother, also is not a dentist, is sort of nerdy and loves gadgets. His idea of a fun outing for the two of them was […]

What Policies Do and Don’t Do

If you and I agree on everything, one of us is irrelevant. There is a form of politeness and civility that wrecks relationships. I’m not talking about any liberty to vent or be mean. I’m talking about being so careful not to hurt someone’s feelings that we don’t say what needs to be said. True […]

We Teach People How to Treat Us

I have to re-teach patients how to treat me. This begins with reviewing my message. Oh, you didn’t think your preventive dentistry message to patients had anything to do with establishing appropriate therapeutic and financial expectations? No one told you this? Keep reading.

The Five Most Important Words in Dentistry

Implementation of First Smile

We were sitting in the little house I was renting along with a college friend and it was just the two of us when I opened up to my dad. He listened quietly and then said “Ben, I need to tell you a story.”