What keeps people well? I know we go to physicians, dentists and other healthcare providers when we are sick, but is this all there is? Certainly a walk through the supermarket checkout line mixed in with all the celebrity news magazines are articles on how to be healthier and the rest, yet as a country, we seem to be going the other way.
It seems to me that we often attempt to figure all of this out by ourselves and sometimes what we need to see is (1) others around us have the same problems and questions and (2) that there are reasonable solutions to many of our problems.
Of course my primary area of expertise is in dentistry so I am a pretty good resource to questions in this area, but all of us are in need, not only of good information, but encouragement to do what we can to live with as much health as we can possibly have.
Which brings me to another observation. Sometimes I become too focused on myself and my health when there is something even better for me than this. We can’t always be in tip top health, but we can be in community with others in a way that is encouraging to all.
This is why I have decided to dedicate this, until now, dormant FaceBook Page to topics on wellness and health. This, in fact, is consistent with my instructions to patients on their roles and responsibilities in achieving a better level of health when they have, or have had, periodontal disease. And by activation, I mean to consistently post new and hopefully interesting information for your reading pleasure. I look forward to your comments. So let me get started with a question:
What health topics would you find most helpful to learn more about?