Should You Change Dentists When Your Insurance Changes?

If you have a dentist you like and your employer’s dental insurance policy changes I recommend you do the following: Most Important: Avoid any insurance, no matter how cheap it is, that forces you to see only dentists on its list. That’s right. If the insurance essentially forces you to see a specific dentist or […]

Dr. Young on San Antonio Living

Dr. Young was on San Antonio Living this week talking with Shelly Miles about periodontal disease and how to prevent it. Watch it and let us know what you think! If you think you may be developing periodontal disease, please sign up for a free consultation.

Floss or Die (Well, maybe not)

There is now a line of evidence suggesting that oral bacteria – should they find their way into the blood stream – may result in someone having a stroke. We do know that bacteria that live normally in the mouth often can be sampled in the blood stream. We also know that dental infections, […]

Dental Implants or Fixed Bridge?

Which is the better way to replace a missing tooth, dental implant or fixed bridge? The Fixed Bridge Fixed bridges (also called Fixed Partial Dentures) have been around for decades. They involve the removal of enamel along with an outer layer of dentin from the teeth on either side of the missing tooth. Crowns are […]

Does Eating Sugar Cause Cavities?

If you understand these two statements it will help you manage sugar in your life: It’s not the amount of sugar a person consumes that causes cavities. It’s the amount of time a tooth is exposed to sugar that causes cavities. Here’s another way to put it. Some sugar habits cause cavities and other sugar […]

You have Periodontal Disease, Now What?

Patients have a right to understand exactly what it means when they are told they have periodontal disease. “You have periodontal disease and this is what it will cost to treat it,” is not enough information. Here are three things every patient needs to know about their oral condition. 1. An explanation of the periodontal […]

What Causes Gingivitis?

Let me tell you a fun little story about how we came to know what causes gingivitis and how to best treat it. In my field of periodontics prior to 1965 it was not universally agreed that gingivitis and periodontal disease (periodontitis) were caused by bacteria. Many scientists understood this, but because there was so […]

How is a Dental Implant a Wise Economic Decision?

I made the statement in an earlier post that a dental implant can be a smart choice even financially. My assumption, if you are reading this, is you are looking at different treatment options and the dental implant certainly isn’t on the cheap side. So allow me to show you how a dental implant can […]