What’s the difference between rest and laziness? And what does this have to do with my teeth and gums?
Let me answer the last question first.
There is an indirect association between laziness and flossing. It doesn’t take a lot of work to perform daily but the time just seems to slip away and we forget. To make it a habit takes intentional effort for at least 21 days some studies indicate. So if you aren’t already in the habit of flossing, consider this your gentle reminder today.
Now to the first, and to me the more interesting question.
- Rest is a necessary part of health and laziness depletes energy.
- Rest refreshes the mind and laziness dulls thinking.
- Rest is purposeful and sometimes it requires great discipline to cut off an enjoyable activity and go to bed. Laziness is undisciplined. When I “relax” my mind and go passive time flies by. When I come out of it, it is usually with regrets, “Man, I wish I had done ____ instead!”
- Rest is connected to performance. In fact it is in the rest phase that muscles repair after exercise and nerve patterns in the brain and extremities build new pathways that enable people to learn to play instruments or swing golf clubs. Without rest, the practice efforts fail miserably. Laziness is the failure first to exert the effort to practice and so there is nothing really to rest from.
Enjoy your day! Ben