How is a Dental Implant a Wise Economic Decision?

I made the statement in an earlier post that a dental implant can be a smart choice even financially. My assumption, if you are reading this, is you are looking at different treatment options and the dental implant certainly isn’t on the cheap side. So allow me to show you how a dental implant can […]

Dental Implants and Toothaches – How do they Compare?

As most everyone knows, a toothache can be excruciating. The classic throbbing pain comes from the nerves within the tooth. Dental implants don’t have nerves within them, yet one of the most common fears people have is that implants can cause severe pain. Certainly nerves around a dental implant can be stimulated if there is […]

What if We Can’t Keep Teeth the Rest of Our Lives?

Dentistry for the past 50 years has successfully made a strong case for importance of keeping our teeth and certainly good healthy teeth lasting a lifetime is a worthy goal. But what happens when for any of a number of reasons a tooth or teeth begin failing? There comes a point in time, well before […]

Do Dental Implants Hurt?

Most patients with dental implants will tell you that there was less post surgical discomfort having an implant placed than there was having a tooth extracted. In fact, the sign of any discomfort with a dental implant after five days is unusual and may indicate a problem. The success rate of dental implants is above […]

Possible immune marker for refractory periodontitis Neutrophils and other phagocytic cells kill bacteria using a process called respiratory burst where the immune cell produces superoxide and hydrogen peroxide. These chemicals effectively kill bacteria as well as healthy cells and extracellular connective tissue (both mineralized and unmineralized). The investigators of this study theorize that refractory periodontitis patients may have a unique […]

Life Changing Dentistry

I knew that dentistry was important to society on a theoretical level when I began to consider it as a possible career back in high school and college. I also knew that dentists took their share of jokes dealing with cost of care (“Bet I’m paying for your new boat, Doc”) and pain (“Don’t take […]

Which came first, tooth loss or dementia?

If you aren’t brushing and flossing regularly, is it a memory thing? Or could it be that dental infections are affecting your memory? There is a new study out attempting to determine if a correlation exists between early-stage Alzheimer’s disease and tooth loss. The thinking is that inflammation originating in the mouth might be affecting […]