Our Two Jobs in Oral Health

When it comes to oral health we, as patients, have two jobs. The first job is effective plaque control on a daily basis. Note: I also lump in everything else we do that keeps our mouths and bodies healthy into this. So why don’t I call it something like, “Daily health measures?” Because I don’t want anyone […]

Activating Facebook to Talk with Patients and Friends

What keeps people well? I know we go to physicians, dentists and other healthcare providers when we are sick, but is this all there is? Certainly a walk through the supermarket checkout line mixed in with all the celebrity news magazines are articles on how to be healthier and the rest, yet as a country, […]

How To Succeed in Periodontal Therapy Part 2

Honestly, what I really wanted to know was what would be on the test. I relate to the statement that dental students really have only two goals in life. The first is to get into dental school, and the second is to get out.

Changing the Dental Office Culture

The lesson I learned from this experience is to change as slowly as possible without stopping all together whenever change involves a lot of people and the majority are used to another system.

How to Succeed in Periodontal Therapy

I know the title of this blog post sounds like so many others that cross our desk or computer screen. On the one hand, I am usually open for new information. On the other hand, I have become wary of titles that seem to want to hook me and lead me down a path to […]

Gum Recession and Electric Toothbrushes

I just received this question from a friend: Hi Ben Had a most interesting meeting with a 55 year old DDS yesterday. He notes that a significant number of his patients are showing more and more signs of recession. (Age noted) He has just started flagging his patients who are using electric tooth brushes and […]


Years ago a friend of mine, who is not a dentist, was visiting his brother in another city over a weekend, so they had some free time to kill. His brother, also is not a dentist, is sort of nerdy and loves gadgets. His idea of a fun outing for the two of them was […]

What Policies Do and Don’t Do

If you and I agree on everything, one of us is irrelevant. There is a form of politeness and civility that wrecks relationships. I’m not talking about any liberty to vent or be mean. I’m talking about being so careful not to hurt someone’s feelings that we don’t say what needs to be said. True […]