Dentist Attempts to Stifle Critical Comments
Here’s an interesting article about a dentist who had patients sign agreements not to put disparaging comments on social network websites. It’s a clever idea that will likely cause more negative publicity than had the dentist simply tried to resolve the patient’s problem. Now it’s a freedom of speech issue. This is a hard […]
What Policies Do and Don’t Do
If you and I agree on everything, one of us is irrelevant. There is a form of politeness and civility that wrecks relationships. I’m not talking about any liberty to vent or be mean. I’m talking about being so careful not to hurt someone’s feelings that we don’t say what needs to be said. True […]
Questions about Water Fluoridation
Both sides of water fluoridation are passionate. One side believes it to be one of the ten most important public health advances of the 20th century. This group includes organized dentistry, politicians, and public officials. On the other side are a few concerned scientists who somehow have the courage or the protection from political […]
Battling Bad Science
Good science is hard to do. When done well society trusts and uses it for the good of many. Then others come along and misuse science and the credibility it has earned in order to trick people into buying things. This is more than annoying because sometimes it results in people trusting their very lives […]
Dentist Celebrates Octogenarians with 20 or more Teeth
Periodically I try to get away from topics about teeth, periodontal disease, dental implants and instead just look into the news and see what’s happening in the world of dentistry. Scrolling down Google News past the indictments of dentists and the tragic stories of dentists involved in fatal traffic accidents, I ran across this one. It’s […]
Dentist Sued by Ex-Assistant over Cruel Behavior
I have linked to an interesting article out of the Santa Fe New Mexican about a dental assistant suing her employer. She worked for him for over five years before writing the letter that got her fired and him a law suit. No matter how you slice it, it’s a lose/lose situation.–cruel–behavior The dentist looks […]
Dentist smokers advising smoking patients
At a hospital based dental school in Japan almost 1 dental instructor in 5 currently smokes. 15% are former smokers. A questionnaire was given out to 92 professionals (dentists, physicians, hygienists and nurses) asking about how they intervene with patients who smoke. The study found that only 25% of the current smoking patients were given […]
$3.5M in dental grants aimed at rural Nebraska
Here is a program that puts dental students out into the rural community where they will learn just how complicated the problem is. Some day my hope is to enable them to incorporate new scanning technology that would make their tasks easier and provide better care for those patients. $3.5M in dental grants aimed at […]